Why selfies could be bad for your business.

a woman wearing a blue tshirt is holding a mobile phone up, she is standign in front of a blue wall with a white door

As national selfie day takes place this week, you will undoubtedly notice quite a few extra selfies popping up on your social media feeds and perhaps you’ll even get involved yourself. Now selfies can be a simple way to express yourself, or simply capture a moment, so when it comes to your personal platforms, by all means, selfie away.

When it comes to your business though, there are a few reasons why selfies could be bad news.

In the early days of entrepreneurship, it can be very tempting to use selfies on your marketing platforms if that’s all you have access to at that point. However, if you are using selfies you need to seriously consider whether they are professional enough for business use and if they may in fact be having a negative impact on your brand. Let me tell you why…

Selfies are unprofessional.

The thing with selfies is that they aren’t meant to be professional - anybody can take one. Your business on the other hand does need to be professional because you want to show people that you are the very best at what you offer.

There are a few common problems I see with selfies that add to the amateur nature of them. For example, the quality of the image is usually poor, the lighting can often be quite bad, the angle it’s taken from can be unflattering, there is often clutter or other unprofessional things in the background, and the framing tends to be off - hello arm in the shot! Also, people commonly use filters on their selfies which can often make it look quite over-the-top or even unauthentic.

Any of these things can create a bad impression. By using amateur photos like selfies, it undermines your professionalism. This will make it hard for potential clients or customers to trust you and consequently, may put them off choosing your services or products.

On top of that, things like lighting, composition, location, props, and what you are doing in the photo all have a big impact on the overall look of an image and the story it tells. So it’s really important to think about the quality and details of the photos you are sharing with your audience as this will impact how they feel about your brand.

First impressions are crucial in business because they can make or break a sale which is why professional personal brand images are designed to help create a great impression and communicate the right message to your clients or customers.

Female business owner wearing blue top, sitting by grey sofa. Infront of her is a coffee table with laptop, mug, books and plant.

Selfies are out of context.

Another common problem with using selfies for business is that they are often taken in a different context. A lot of the time, instead of taking a photo specifically for business use, people will sift through their camera roll to find a previously taken selfie (or even a photo taken by someone else) that they like of themselves.

The issue with this is that the context may not be relevant to your business. For example, if you use a photo that was taken at your friend’s wedding, but your business has nothing to do with weddings, it could send mixed messages to your audience about what you do. If someone is confused about what you offer, they won’t stick around to find out, they’ll just move on to someone else who sends a clearer message.

If the photos you use to promote your business aren’t taken with your business in mind, they won’t attract your ideal audience.

When you work with a professional brand photographer, there is a lot of planning involved before the photoshoot takes place to ensure your photos will be taken in the right context (such as the location, outfits, props, poses, etc). This helps send a consistent message that is appropriate for your brand and thus will attract the right people for your business. 

Female chef leaning on kitchen counter holding a bowl of noodles

Selfies have limitations.

Using photos to promote your business can be a powerful tool if done right. But selfies have limitations and simply can’t support your business as well as professional brand photography.

Professional brand photographers will consider things like your brand aesthetics, so that the images match the rest of your branding and work well on all your different platforms and marketing materials. They’ll also take the time, working alongside you, to plan out what your photos need to communicate. By considering your brand message, your unique personality, and your specific offerings, professional brand photographers can create photos that will inform your ideal audience about what you specifically have to offer.

female art dealer sitting on the floor surrounded by framed paintings

So how can you get involved with National Selfie Day?

With this all said though, it is national selfie day this week and we all want to get involved somehow. So, here are my TOP TIPS for sharing a selfie without harming your business.

  1. Occasionally, it’s ok to use the odd selfie as a quick way to show people what you're up to on the spur of the moment. But only ever share selfies in temporary places such as insta stories, as this won’t be everlasting and it shouldn’t pop up in other places out of context, giving people an unprofessional impression of your business. (Don’t use selfies for permanent images in important places like websites!)

  2. You should always give your selfie some thought, and take the time to make it as professional as possible. Always stop before you share and consider if you’re showing the right things to your audience.

  3. An alternative way to get involved with National Selfie Day is by not using selfies. Ok, bear with me! The main reason you’d want to share a selfie as a business is to help your audience get to know the person (or people) behind your business. So if you have professional brand portraits you can use these in the exact same way (but of course way more professionally)! So, why not share some pro portraits in the form of a still, a carousel, or even a reel, alongside a caption that introduces you and tells your audience a bit about the person (or people) behind your brand?

mobile phone displaying instagram feed with a professional portrait of a female business owner and a caption talking about her

So, do you feel your selfies aren’t showcasing you in a professional light? Aren't communicating the right messages to your ideal audience? And are holding you back from promoting your business well?

If so, it’s probably time to invest in a professional personal brand shoot.

Find out more about the power of professional brand photography here or head to my contact page and get in touch so we can discuss your photographic needs!

Want to learn more about how I can help your business stand out with professional brand photography?

As your personal brand photographer, I’ll aim to show off your unique personality & your specific offerings in a creative way through the beautiful brand images we create together.

I also want to give you more confidence to show up for the people who need your help, so you can build a strong and recognisable personal brand.

Personal brand photography can really help you stand out, make an impact, and get seen!


When is the right time to book a personal brand photoshoot & what should you prepare before booking your shoot?


One of the most important things to think about when planning your personal brand photoshoot.