When is the right time to book a personal brand photoshoot & what should you prepare before booking your shoot?

female business owner standign n front of pink wall, writing in note pad

As small business owners, most of us are aware of the importance of having professional brand photography to market our businesses successfully. Unfortunately though, it's all so common for many business owners and entrepreneurs to put off booking their brand shoot because they don’t feel “ready”.

People often think that they need more time to prepare before they book their personal brand shoot. And while preparation is definitely important, it's the difference between booking your photoshoot and choosing your shoot date that we need to discuss today.

So, when is the right time to BOOK a brand shoot?

Well, the short answer is… RIGHT NOW!

If you have a small business or something to promote, then you need professional images to market it successfully. So why wait?

“I’m not ready” I hear you say.

“I don’t know where to shoot, what to wear, how to pose.”

Let me reassure you that it’s totally ok to not have all those answers yet!

When you book a personal brand shoot with a professional brand photographer, they are going to guide you on all those things and much more.

Female business owner sitting at a desk with a laptop

Why is it important to prepare alongside your photographer's guidance?

There is really no point in trying to work it all out on your own. Of course, you know your business the best, but personal brand photographers know brand shoots the best. So don’t waste your time preparing the wrong things.

When you plan alongside your photographer's guidance, you should feel excited about your shoot rather than worried. Let your photographer help you with preparation, so you don't have to stress.

It’s also important to be open to your photographer’s input based on their professional experience and knowledge. Don’t make all the decisions alone.

Collaboration is key to a successful shoot so you need to trust your photographer as well as share your thoughts with them.

female business owner smiling at her mobile phone, leaning on a sofa near a coffee table with a laptop

When should you choose your SHOOT DATE for?

I usually encourage my clients to book about a month before their personal brand photoshoot so that we have time to work out all the important stuff together. 

When we begin our project the first thing I’ll do is send you a Creative Brief Questionnaire. This will get you thinking about the right things, and once you've had a chance to answer I'll have a clearer idea of what you're wanting, and also the areas you need the most help.

With my ‘personal brand photoshoot’ and ‘personal brand photoshoot plus’ packages they also include a Creative Call so we can discuss all the finer details together. I also collect inspiration on Pinterest based on your Creative Brief answers, and you're more than welcome to collaborate with me on the Pinterest board by collecting images that inspire you.

With all my photoshoot packages I'll also send you a Photoshoot Prep Guide full of advice and tips, which covers things like outfits and props along with everything else you need to think about.

So I would advise you to book your personal brand shoot for a date that is at least a month away, that way you can prepare alongside your photographer's guidance, and you should have plenty of time to get “ready”. But remember that photographers’ schedules can book up in advance, and you need to find a date that suits you both (and perhaps even align with venues, etc). So I would book your personal brand shoot as soon as possible.

female business owner holding a framed painting
female business owner sitting in window reading a book
female business owner serving noodles

Don’t put it off.

So, if you’ve been thinking about getting some professional brand images to promote your business, don’t put off booking your photoshoot.

Choose a personal brand photographer who's going to help you prepare for your shoot and make sure you end up with brand images that will actually help your business.

Book your personal brand shoot. Get some stunning images. Promote your business & help it grow!

I’d love to be the photographer that helps you prepare for your personal brand shoot!

As your personal brand photographer, I’ll aim to show off your unique personality & your specific offerings in a creative way through the beautiful brand images we create together.

I also want to give you more confidence to show up for the people who need your help, so you can build a strong and recognisable personal brand.

Personal brand photography can really help you stand out, make an impact, and get seen!


How to prepare your home for your personal brand photoshoot.


Why selfies could be bad for your business.