How to prepare your home for your personal brand photoshoot.

Woman sitting on a sofa reading a homes and gardens magazine.

Choosing your own home as the location for your personal brand photoshoot can be a popular choice as it’s very personal and will help towards creating authentic photos. But to make sure your brand photos look their best, it’s important to get your house photoshoot-ready. So today, I’m going to share my top tips to help you prepare your home for your personal brand photoshoot.

Choose the best shoot spaces.

So first, try to pick a few main areas that you would like to shoot in. These should be relevant spaces such as a desk setup for working shots or a living room for some casual sofa shots etc. It’s also imporant to pick the best-lit areas (window light is best) as I shoot mostly with natural light.

As we’re going to be using the windows to get the best light for your photos, it may mean rearranging your furniture a bit to make sure you are facing the window and are nicely lit. If your desk is in a dark corner or your sofa is backlit for example, you might need to move things around a bit. 

Small rooms make it quite difficult for me to get the best angles and to fit everything in shot, so if at all possible choose the biggest rooms available. If you have to use small rooms, make sure they are as empty as possible so we can easily move things around when needed.

Ahead of your home photoshoot I will have a chat with you about which spaces might be best for your personal brand photos. I’ll either ask for some photos of the particular spaces or we can set up a little Zoom tour, to help me advise you best. Once you know which rooms we’re using, you can focus your energy on preparing those spaces only.

woman sitting on a chair by a window, with laptop on her lap, a vase of flowers on a table next to her, and a plant behind her
woman sitting at table with note pad and pen, reading a cookbook
woman standing in doorway holding a framed painting

Declutter & Clean.

When planning for your home photoshoot it’s important to tidy everywhere that might be in shot. Sometimes unwanted things in the background sneak into shot and can make it look untidy or unprofessional. I want to be able to get the very best angles without having to avoid clutter or other unwanted items.

Tidy away any clutter, knick-knacks, cables, irrelevant appliances, private family photos, things in corners or under sofas, etc, and any dishes in the sink. If you don’t want it in your brand photos, then hide it away in a cupboard or a different room! 

Once you’ve decluttered, it’s time to clean. Wipe all the surfaces, and give the floors a sweep/ mop /hoover. Also check the walls in the areas we will be shooting, for any grubby bits that need a wipe or even any chips that could do with a little top of paint. It may seem over the top, but everything in the shot impacts your photos! 

Lastly, check what’s outside the window. Do you have washing hanging up in the garden? Is there a car parked right outside? These things can get in the background too, so try to keep those areas clear and tidy if possible.

(If you’d like to hire a professional cleaner, I can give you a recommendation and a cheeky discount code!)

woman leaning on white kitchen counter, holding a bowl of noodles

Style your space.

Now it’s time to style your chosen areas, ready for your home photoshoot. My top tip is “less is more”, but we also don’t want your home to look too bare and unlived in. Instead of having scattered objects that may be distracting, group items together to create a secondary focal point. This gives a space more personality and makes it look lived in while maintaining a peaceful and pleasant atmosphere. Choose a few bold items for the background such as a large plant, a vase of flowers, a table vessel, or a sculpture. Simple things like fluffing the cushions, or organising your desk can also make a big difference to your brand photos.

Prepare any props you might need to communicate your personality and business (such as your favourite mug or wine glass, books, stationary, devices, branded products, and tools of your trade) and set up an out-of-shot area where you can have them all cleaned and ready to go.

woman sitting on grey sofa, writing in a note book, an orange cusion and vase of flowers are in the background

Eliminate distractions.

Once your space is all prepared for your home photoshoot, it’s time to think about possible distractions on shoot day. 

If any family members or flatmates are at home during your personal brand photoshoot they could become a distraction, or we might feel like we’re getting in their way. So ideally, try to get the house to yourself for a few hours so we can focus on the photoshoot and get the best shots possible.

Whilst we are shooting in your home, this is still a professional photoshoot. This means I need your full attention, so no work calls, no checking emails, and no looking after the kids. I know things can be tricky sometimes but if you want to get the best out of your personal brand photoshoot, try to set aside a few hours to focus solely on your photos.

Lastly, please be ready to go pretty much as soon as I arrive. Your hair and makeup should be done, you should have all your outfits ready, and all your shoot areas should be prepared.

female entrepreneur wearing pink dress, arranging a vase of flowers in living room
female entrepreneur sitting on blue sofa, wearing pink trousers and white top, reading a book.
female business owner sitting at table with laptop, glass of water, and a note book

So these are my top tips for preparing your home for your personal brand photoshoot. Work with me to choose the best shoot spaces in your home, declutter & clean, style the spaces to tell your brand story, and then eliminate any possible shoot day distractions. Using your own home for your personal brand shoot is a great way to help your audience get to know you, so get in touch now to book your personal brand shoot, and let's get planning!

So are you ready to get your business seen by standing out with personal brand images?

As your personal brand photographer, I’ll aim to show off your unique personality & your specific offerings in a creative way through the beautiful brand images we create together.

I also want to give you more confidence to show up for the people who need your help, so you can build a strong and recognisable personal brand.

Personal brand photography can really help you stand out, make an impact, and get seen!


Why you & your photographer should get to know each other ahead of your personal brand shoot.


When is the right time to book a personal brand photoshoot & what should you prepare before booking your shoot?