Why is spring a great time to update your personal brand images?

Spring personal branding photoshoot

As we reach the end of winter, the days are getting a bit longer and everything is starting to feel just a bit more optimistic. We’re finally coming out of that New Year slump period and are starting to feel more productive. This is why it’s a great time to get on with those behind-the-scenes business tasks, you may have been putting off like updating your website & social profiles. With Easter not too far away and several bank holidays around the corner, it’s also a great time to start planning your upcoming marketing content for this cheery time of year. So let’s talk about why Spring is such a great time to update your personal brand images.

Why is spring a good time for a personal branding photoshoot?

As a London personal branding photographer, I’m used to shooting inside and outside in a range of weather conditions all year long, it’s my job to make your brand photos look amazing no matter what. But I have to admit, I always get excited about the possibilities spring brings for outside location options. We get beautiful nature backgrounds full of flowers and greenery. Personally, I love a good blossom backdrop, but there are loads of options during spring to suit every business. 

Spring also means the weather is warmer, so you’re less likely to get cold during an outside photoshoot which makes everything more enjoyable. And you don’t have to be all wrapped up in your winter clothes, which sometimes just isn't the look you’re going for in your brand photos. 

With the clocks moving forward it also means that outside shooting times are more flexible as the sun is out later. So even if we’re shooting inside for the majority of your brand photo session, there could still be some time to do some shots outside afterward too! 

Seasonal personal branding photoshoot

Reasons you might want to choose an outside personal branding photoshoot.

I’ve just spoken about why spring is a great time to shoot outside, so let’s now look at a few reasons why an outside personal branding shoot (or a partially outside shoot) could be right for you and your business.

  • If your business has anything to do with nature, or your work activities take place outside, we can probably tell your brand story better with photos taken in a suitable outside location.

  • Some people prefer outside images as they feel they capture their essence, brand, or visual style a bit better than inside shoots.

  • If you don’t have a home or work space suitable for an indoor shoot, then shooting outside is one alternative option.

  • If you don’t have a budget to hire a location, shooting outside could be the best low-cost option.

  • If you’re considering my 1 hour portrait package it’s designed especially for outside locations.

  • If you’re more tempted by my 3 & 5 hour brand shoot packages, they allow time to shoot inside and outside, so you can get the best of both if you want!

outside personal branding photoshoot

How do we create spring brand images?

Here are just a few things we’ll talk about during the planning process to make sure your brand images are appropriate for spring use.

  • We can think about colour schemes. As well as your brand colours, we can also consider what hues will go well with your upcoming spring and summer content and what colours will encourage the right vibe for your audience.

  • You can dress according to the season. You won't want to be sharing photos of you wearing jackets, hats, and scarfs, as the weather warms up because honestly, it will look out of place (and off-trend). So let's get the t-shirts, and dresses on and embrace that spring energy.

  • To make your content relatable and relevant, we can also consider what locations to shoot in and what kinds of activities you can portray in your photos.

  • We can also plan photos for any upcoming holidays, news stories, or industry trends that you may need visual content for.

  • And of course, we will also take into account any pre-planned content, launches, events, PR, and anything else you might require photographs for during the spring and summer seasons.

spring business portrait session
spring brand portrait
spring brand images

Why is it important to update your brand images each season?

Booking your spring brand shoot now will be a great step towards having seasonal-appropriate images to keep your brand relevant and up to date. But as a growing business, your brand is ever-evolving, your content marketing is ongoing, and your website should be regularly refreshed to stay up-to-date. So having strategic photoshoots regularly every season could be even more powerful for your business growth. 

Because I think it’s so important to have relevant, relatable, and engaging images for your business promotion, I’ve designed a 12-month ‘Seasonal Personal Branding Photography’ package with this in mind.

How does it work?

1. First we’ll work together to make a content strategy for the year ahead, considering the seasons as well as things like upcoming launches, PR submissions, events, special dates, or specific content you have planned.

2. Then, each quarter we’ll plan a new shoot. We’ll look at what's coming up for you over the next 3 months, and create specific images for your upcoming content marketing that season. 

3. After each shoot you will receive at least 90 images to carry you for the next 3 months (that pretty much works out to about 1 photo a day!) You can then use your beautiful and strategic seasonal images to boost campaigns and drip-feed engaging content throughout the year.

Together, we can build a catalogue of personal brand images that support your business and ensure you keep up with the seasons and rapidly evolving online world.

To find out more, visit my ‘Seasonal Personal Branding Photography’ page.

seasonal personal branding photography

So whether you’re ready to go all in and start preparing your marketing for the whole year ahead, or if you’d prefer to focus on right now and plan your upcoming spring content, keeping your personal brand images relevant and up-to-date is essential for business growth and spring is the perfect time to get started! If you are considering a spring brand shoot, remember to book ahead to give us plenty of time to plan together and get your visual content ready in time for the spring season!

To book now, visit my ‘contact’ page.

So are you ready to get your business seen by standing out with fresh personal brand images?

As your personal brand photographer, I’ll aim to show off your unique personality and your specific offerings in a creative way through the beautiful brand images we create together.

I also want to give you more confidence to show up for the people who need your help, so you can build a strong and recognisable personal brand.

Personal brand photography can really help you stand out, make an impact, and get seen!


How brand photos can help your website show up on Google.


Personal branding photographer in London, with business mentor, Claire Kavanagh.