5 top tips for a scroll-stopping instagram profile picture for your business.

instagram profile picture of female business owner smiling

There is a lot of power in your tiny little profile picture. It's a key part of your brand's identity and is one of the very first things people see of you on instagram. So making the right first impression is super important.

As a small business your profile photo on your social platforms needs to tell visitors who you are and what you do. It needs to grab people's attention and stand out.

So without further ado, here are my 5 top tips for choosing or creating a profile photo that’ll be a scroll-stopper!

Tip 1 - Use a photo of you over a brand logo.

instagram profile picture of female business owner smiling with a tick next to the photo
instagram profile picture of brand logo with a cross next to the photo

On social, your profile picture is what will help people recognize you and your brand as they’re scrolling.

If you're a small business, particularly if you offer a personal service, or have a personal story behind your products, YOU are your brand and you need to connect with your audience on a personal level. So a head shot of yourself will help introduce you straight away to newbies and help others remember who you are when they see your content. I also don’t really suggest using text in a profile photo as it's too small to read.

Tip 2 - Crop it correctly.

square photo of a female entrepreneur smiling

Instagram profile photos are circles so it’s best to use a square photo with 1:1 aspect ratio.

As profile photos are very small on your profile and even smaller on the home feed, cropping the image right can be super important. You don’t want to be too small in the image, because no one will be able to see you let alone recognize you. You are the FACE of your business so crop in on your face, from just below the shoulders & up!

Tip 3 - Use colour to stand out.

female business owner wearing a orange top, standing in front of colourful tiled wall

As your profile photo is so small on the screen and amongst lots of other images, having a pop of colour can really help catch peoples eyes and encourage them to click on your account.

The colours you use could be linked to your brand colours, and should complement your feed aesthetic. But you can also think about what mood the colours might convey, because remember this is the first thing people see of your profile and will create a first impression of your business.

You can show colour through your clothing or the background, so think about what colours stand out and work nicely together.

Tip 4 - Light it up.

woman smilling with golden sunlight on her face

Lighting is one of the most important elements of photography. A well lit image is super important when it comes to your tiny little profile photo. It will help it be more eye-catching and let's be honest, visually appealing!

So don’t even think about using an image shot at night or in a dark room. We don’t want blurry grainy images.

Be careful of bright lights or sun too though as we also don’t want harsh shadows on your face. Using soft lighting is ideal.

Tip 5 - Be the professional you are.

female business owner holding a bowl of noodles and chopsticks

If you consider yourself a professional, and want your audience to view you that way, you need an image that tells them so.

Don’t use a grainy image shot on your phones selfie camera. Don't use a cropped image where you can see your friend's arm over your shoulder. Don’t use your favourite holiday pic where you’re wearing sunglasses.

Use an image that represents you as a professional and aligns with your brand identity.

I suggest a nice welcoming image that shows off your face clearly, and maybe even hints at what you do.

And if you want to go that extra mile, because you’re really serious about helping your business grow, then perhaps it’s time to consider hiring a professional head shot and brand photographer (hint hint! 😉) who can show off how amazing you are through personal brand photography!

Of course, you know yourself and your brand the best so take my tips & interpret them to fit you. But remember that a great profile photo on all your social platforms, is key to helping you & your brand be seen!

So are you ready to get your business seen by standing out with personal brand images?


What kind of images do you need to market your business & where should you be using them?


What props should you take to your personal brand photo shoot?